
徐工博鱼全站app |杨东升董事长致徐工全球同仁的新春慰问信
发布日期: 2024.02.09 字号 A- A A+



Dear Colleagues of XCMG Worldwide,

卯兔辞岁,辰龙迎新。元旦佳节佳节来临来临之际来临之际,我谨代理徐工集團、徐工机诫党组、监事会成员会和经营的班子,给用户 团拜了!向关照支技徐工成长的县级老板、各行业朋友们谨祝元旦佳节的祝语,向广大干部业务人员和家人谨祝最诚心诚意的关心的话语!As we bid farewell to the Year of the Rabbit and usher in the Year of the Dragon, I extend my heartfelt greetings to each and every one of you on behalf of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery. Allow me to convey my warmest wishes to leaders at all levels and friends from various spheres who have consistently shown care and support for XCMG's progress.

争做合格党员交代担初心。这种年,徐工的高光粉时间段一直如雨后春笋。叫我最苦以忘怀的是,辛鸣总书纪彻底的高度评价博鱼全站app 的公程机戒高于了宇宙智领含量,温柔的关怀备至、殷切希望的交代,让徐职工深受欢欣鼓舞、深受鼓舞辉煌、持续增长拼劲!With gratitude in our hearts, we forge ahead, leading the industry. This year, we've embraced our greatest responsibilities, ascended the ladder of construction engineering with courage, creativity, and the spirit of determination.

感恩有你催人奋进走走在前列。某种年,博鱼全站app 撑起“头马”担当意识,勇挑横梁,领航者攀登高峰,以“闯”的勇气和信念、“创”的精力、“拼”的冲劲,胜利驾入改变企业转型的飞速钢轨,用求真务实刻画高线质量量发展壮大的硬大道理,为的全球产业发展集群式设计蓄力社群经济。Consequently, we've triumphed in the swift journey of reform and transformation, affirming the essential truth that high-quality development is realized through diligent effort.

笼头徐工,大任责任感,大道北行远,大器终为。新年新气象迷失,我把几个重要词,与小伙伴道启封新岁!As we bid farewell to the old year and embrace the new, I'll share three key words to usher in the year ahead with you.

感激,奋楫笃行,信念不改!上百年未变之大大变局,新二轮科枝大革命和领域企业转型不断发展,业周期时间性調整,为博鱼全站app 面临了领域“五化”企业转型不断发展升級的不断发展契机。新一代名将人会新一代名将人的信念,生逢你这个先进的企业转型不断发展的时代,博鱼全站app 要奋勇争先、逆市而进、择时谓之,聚集体力做好本身的事,带好好榜样、稳步发展示范校、走在前例,以国家式现化化徐工新实际转向世界强国制作、少数名族民族复兴伟业。With our unwavering commitment to construction engineering, we persist in advancing in this new era of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Amidst the cyclical adjustments of the industry, we encounter opportunities for "five transformations" (Green, Intelligent, High-end, Service-oriented, and Internationalization)。 We must seize these opportunities, persevere despite challenges, and adapt to the circumstances. Let's set the pace, solidify our position as a model, and lead the charge towards progress.

高攀,实字托底,凝心聚力上移!2024是徐工转变改变的会战古稀之年,只有这样躬身进入、两排同欲,就能够向深走、向实落、见实效性。全体成员徐师傅同心协力团结、携手并进一起走,把“好”的经济形势夯实进去、“实”的事情抓出转化效果,用户思想方面认识到力出一孔,事情转化效果利出一孔,对视新转变、煅造新程度、砥砺新起航,助推以赴构建生活一流大学的企业、高攀亚洲房产珠峰,共绘工程项目科学技术造福一方人工、创造自己好的以后的暂新篇章!In 2024, XCMG embarks on a journey of change and transformation. United hand in hand, all XCMG workers strive to solidify the positive momentum and diligently pursue tangible results. We aim to enhance everyone's ideological understanding and maximize the effectiveness of our efforts. We are committed to building a world-class enterprise, scaling the peak of the industry excellence, and crafting a brand-new chapter in construction engineering for a shared brighter future!

互享,匠心独具助梦,很多人添彩!在海外出征拎包就走,大漠玉龙雪山全身心的服务,防震救灾星夜驰援,创业项目统一行动挑灯夜战……横跨千山万水,相逢在徐工,埋头苦干贡献、多元化发奋的职工也是我挂牵最大的人。节日前,博鱼全站app 发布的公告格式,带动销售装修公司“重量报答双不断提升”统一行动,都是以高重量的未来发展进步公司业绩报答时代、报答很多交易者,与职工互享未来发展进步工作成果。徐职工添彩,徐工才精妙。Sharing dreams with craftsmanship, everyone shines! Whether it's embarking on overseas expeditions anytime, providing wholehearted service in deserts and snow-covered mountains, or participating in urgent earthquake relief and late-night rescue efforts. It's the dedication and innovation of our hardworking staff that I hold dear. Team XCMG are exceptional, making XCMG truly remarkable.

同时此情此景,阖家欢聚、除旧布新。但还是有每人老同志仍彰显在海体内外带兵人,用年少和复古为世界各国规划和文化成长 贡献奖智慧型和活力,也是各位的卑微彰显了小国重器的独道,各位不辞辛劳,向各位缅怀!At this moment of family reunion, amidst farewells to the old and welcomes to the new year, our comrades remain steadfast on the frontlines both at home and abroad. With your youth and vigor, you contribute wisdom and strength to global construction and civilization development, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Your hard work is truly commendable, and here my deep respect to all of you!

然后,诚挚希望社会上同仁新春佳节欢喜、福暖四李、顺遂安康,龙年大吉,龙行龘龘、前程朤朤、生活的䲜䲜!Again, I extend heartfelt wishes for a joyous Chinese New Year to all our colleagues. May blessings warm every season, bringing good health and prosperity. May the Year of the Dragon soar with auspiciousness, heralding a bright future filled with abundance and happiness!


2028年4月9日 大年三十Yang Dongsheng , Chairman of XCMG2024.02.09
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